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Broadcast My Ass

Broadcast My Ass

A satirical animated series about three Generation Z friends who dream of great online success in order to escape their dull village life. On their journey, we experience and traverse with them all the beautiful and gruesome facets of the YouTube and social media cosmos – from online populism to large-scale drama for the clicks.
We All Love Football 2022

We All Love Football 2022

A professional soccer player is said to have practiced shooting own goals. An assistant to the club doctor wants to manipulate games. The coach used to steal soccer balls. A referee fights a bet. And the sports doctor operates on broken knees like on an assembly line. It's the dark sides of sports that are told here to the melancholy music of "Moby". "Ted Lasso" meets "Breaking Bad" in a recut final proof of concept.


Five characters struggle in their respective lives to get rid of a destiny imposed, suffered, or thwarted, in order to fully flourish in their respective choices. They'll have to escape an enforced destiny, for the purpose of living their existences, and making their own choices. They'll have to face challenges with their families, with our society in order to achieve their freedom, to be able to live their lives freely without being a prisoner.


A man is driving along the highway. As he does so, he tries to remember an accident that the police say he caused. How he will deal with guilt and atonement is then somewhat unusual.
Word of Sox

Word of Sox

Hermann is a drunken cab driver, an ass: asocial shitfaced steersman. Since he lost his wife Annett in the tumble dryer, he drowns his grief in booze and hates the world. Oh, and he is a sock. Moon, who in reality is a lady – no gender debate, please – is in love with Sun, but he ignores her. So in order to get his attention, Jupiter sends her – disguised as a tennis ball – to Earth to seduce the first earthling she encounters and make them fall in love with her. Guess who that is!
How To

How To

Two creatives live in quarantine together in a country house. Just the two of them and a phone. "How To" is an artistic response to the immobility in which the world is forced to remain during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Six short videos depict human and spiritual adaptation scenarios. Portraits of an apparently distorted, yet never immobile humanity.


Haeorang and Byeolnyeo promise to get married. However, while being chased by a soldier, Guan-wu lies that Haeorang is a spy, and is hit by an arrow and falls into the sea. Haeorang sees a byeol-nyeo by chance, and Gwan-u is living a life of evil deeds. Byeol-nyeo asks Guan-wu to apologize for her evil deeds, but Guan-u tries to kill the byeol-nyeo. At that time, Haeorang saves him and his body perishes. At that time, the tears she shed became the fifth jewel and she made a wish to save Haeorang.
Satoshi's Treasure

Satoshi's Treasure

Sarah owes a lot of money to her parents and tries to recover the money through shady hacking jobs. When she suddenly stumbles across a digital treasure hunt with a prize of 10 million euros, Sarah tries to convince her partner in crime and best friend Sven to join the hunt. But when Sven is suddenly kidnapped, Sarah must face her fears and problems alone.
Inimigo Oculto

Inimigo Oculto

Laura decides to spend Christmas for the first time at her web boyfriend's house, who works with augmented reality games for cell phones. However, before supper, the whole family decides to play their boyfriend's new
creation, called "Hidden Enemy". During the game, many strange things start to happen and the deaths in the game become real.
Abracadavers: Season 2

Abracadavers: Season 2

Our friends have settled into a comfortable routine which is quickly interrupted when they’re brought to a halfway “camp” for people with special abilities. In the past they demonstrated an inability to control their powers and have been offered, more or less without a choice, the opportunity to learn how to control their powers under the guidance of more experienced power users.
Night Witches

Night Witches

Once fate brings together three women in one place, each of whom, to a greater or lesser extent, experienced domestic violence from men. They decide to take revenge on their offenders. At first with the help of the law, but since that takes a lot of time and effort, they choose another way. In their opinion, their lives were ruined by men and therefore they want to destroy their usual way of life. But the implementation of this plan is not so simple.
Lost & Found Cowboy - Season 2

Lost & Found Cowboy - Season 2

Alone under Covid ‘‘lockdown” in Tokyo, Yukata Cowboy, a Japanese-American comedian/street performer, sinks into depression over his girlfriend’s departure. But his friends Lotte, a budding comedian in London, and Maribel, a flamenco dancer in Madrid, reach out to him over the internet. They encourage him to perform comedy and to learn flamenco – online. From across the globe, they celebrate their strong ties of friendship, and conquer the loneliness of quarantine.
Sasha and her STD

Sasha and her STI

Sasha and her STD

A burning sensation in your crotch. Yellow-green discharge. Every year 20,000 people suffer from chlamydia and Sasha “Sas” van Zanten is one of the unfortunate winners of this STI bingo. Sas has to tell her bed partners about her infection, but her focus is on the fact that someone didn't tell her! Sas converts that impotence and shame into justified frustration, so she and her two housemates start the hunt for the real perpetrator. Who gave her the STI?


Life-long friends Stacey and Jade recently found themselves in bed together to win a bet. Following their racy rendezvous, Stacey believes it was a life changing encounter, but Jade considers their tryst a gesture of friendship. Their housemate Michael, meanwhile, strains and schemes to win the respect and love of his affluent mother. As tension grows between Jade and Stacey, and Michael’s plotting goes awry, the trio will be forced to make choices that will change their friendship forever.


On the occasion of her 100th birthday (May 9), the Instagram project by SWR and BR brings the resistance fighter Sophie Scholl out of the history books and into the present. On the channel @ichbinsophiescholl, Sophie Scholl, played by Luna Wedler, lets her users participate emotionally, radically subjectively and in recreated real time in the last ten months of her life.


Die Serie begleitet das deutsch-iranische Duo „Pretty Bastards” auf seinem Weg durch die internationale Wrestling-Szene. Neben sportlichen Herausforderungen stehen auch die persönlichen Geschichten von „Maggot” und „Prince Ahura” im Mittelpunkt. Mit dabei ist auch ihr langjähriger Freund und Mentor „Aaron Insane“. Die Serie erzählt auch die Geschichte von „Baby Allison”, die als einer der aufstrebenden Stars im Frauen-Wrestling ihren männlichen Kollegen in nichts nachsteht.

Zu sehen gibt es Bastard2. Bad Company in der ARD Mediathek:
Detention Adventure, Season 3

Detention Adventure, Season 3

Das Team von „Detention Adventure“ ist wieder dabei, das Geheimnis des Gemäldes von Lawren Harris, Mitglied der Gruppe der Sieben, zu lüften. Ihre Ermittlungen werden unterbrochen, als sie auf die Inselschule geschickt werden, ein heruntergekommenes Camp, in dem Spitzenschüler abschalten sollen, um neue Wege und Interessen in der Natur zu entdecken. Die vier müssen jedoch feststellen, dass die Insel mehr zu bieten hat als gemeinsames Singen am Lagerfeuer und dass dort vielleicht die Antworten zu finden sind, nach denen sie suchen.
Per Aspera

Per Aspera

October 31, 1989: a stubborn and resourceful twelve-year-old girl mysteriously disappears after venturing into a cave by the sea in search of the legendary "King Owl’s treasure", thanks to which she dreams of moving with
her family to the USA. When she reappears, thirty years later, she is still twelve... and so begins her adventurous journey between past, present and future, lost in the labyrinth of tunnels dug under the city, which will force
her to confront her identity and her roots.
MATARIFE (The Butcher)

MATARIFE (The Butcher)

Based on press articles, historical facts, interviews and scandals that have shaken Colombia since the 1980s, the documentary traces the career of former president Álvaro Uribe. During his mandate (2002 - 2010), at least 6402 innocent civilians were killed in order to pass them off as dead guerrillas (“False Positives” scandal). The series explains the links between the ex head of state, drug trafficking and the paramilitaries, who for years have been multiplying massacres all over the country.


“Lucidity” traces the awakening of Michael Miller, whose terrifying nightmare visitations by evil beings called Azithoth haunt his nightly dreams. With the help of a few friends, Michael embarks on a journey that will change his "reality" forever as he learns to control his dreams and eventually his fears. But the fight won't be easy: even though Michael has left the past, the past has not left him.
Buschka discovers Germany Season Four - Ep 1 Part 6 DERNAU - AHRTAL

Buschka discovers Germany Season Four - Ep 1 Part 6 DERNAU - AHRTAL

Season 4 includes two worlds: meeting people on purpose and exploring cities and topics coincidentally. The episodes take their time and let the viewer discover everything little by little. Jörg looks at the situation in the German flood disaster area three months after the horrible event. Jürgen shows Jörg around his house and the village and they meet many people who are affected by the flood but also very grateful for the many helpers from Germany and other European countries.
Four Tracks

Four Tracks

The series tells the story of the young rapper Šula, who grows up in a problematic district and longs for fame and recognition. But first she has to fight against the evil spirits from her past.
The girl who dreamed of being a llama (and the boy who wanted to be blind)

La fille qui rêvait d'être une lama (et le garçon qui voulait être aveugle)

The girl who dreamed of being a llama (and the boy who wanted to be blind)

Every afternoon, a young girl and a boy meet in front of a llama’s enclosure to talk about their lives. Hanna dreams of having the llama’s strength and wisdom. She sees the llama as a fallen king with only one thing on his mind: leaving this place and returning to his kingdom. Adam suffers from visual hypersensitivity; too sensitive to constantly be admiring the beauty of the world, he has to close his eyes to avoid having seizures.
Hogtown/ Ainsi va Manu - Episodes 2,3,4

Hogtown / Ainsi va Manu

Hogtown/ Ainsi va Manu - Episodes 2,3,4

The series follows the journey of a single-parent family, struggling to survive in the increasingly precarious Grand Toronto Area. When Manuela and her family are threatened of being completely ousted by growing urban and modern real estate developments, the teenager decides to fight back, determined to protect her home and neighborhood.
People Talking (S2)

People Talking

People Talking (S2)

Is a funeral a way to honor the deceased or a simple business? To what extent does appearance define us as a person? Should we behave like an adult just because your age indicates that you are? “These are some of the questions that ‘People Talking’ will answer …” is what we would say if this were another series, but no. “Gente Hablando” does not intend to give any answer, but to convey to the viewer the questions asked.
HEROES - Limited Edition

HEROES - Limited Edition

HEROES – Limited Edition" features actresses and actors with disabilities. The five-chapter dark comedy series unravels the events around a group of superheroes with disabilities, who are called upon to save Israel. Despite the fantastical nature of the premise, the series touches on the very real obstacles people with disabilities face – many of which were inspired by the actresses and actors. The series is about the power that lies in being different.
Wipe me away

Wipe me away

Montreal, Quebec. An apartment building. Three rough childhoods collide. Mélissa, Eddy and Karine live in the same building and from a young age, they have to deal with an environment that crushes grown-ups. The hooker's corner, the violent neighborhood, parents' debauchery parties, bad company, stealing to survive: for them, all this is quite normal, it's their life. Are their parents to blame? Or do they love the best they can? Are we all condemned to reproduce what we have known?


Cunradus goes hunting into the forest at night with his daughter Johanna. They just have an animal in the crosshairs, when demonic creatures, so-called Serkar appear. They discover the daughter. Cundradus is able to attract their attention and lose his pursuers as he flees. But Johanna does not show up at the agreed meeting place. Back in the forest, he discovers injured Johanna, a prisoner in the Serkar camp. Cunradus starts a rescue operation. The situation escalates.
No, you’re stupid! - 2

No, you're stupid!

No, you’re stupid! - 2

Two teenage sisters, the rebellious Christina and her quieter blind sister Masha, fight all the time, frame each other and get into trouble that has far more serious consequences than they would expect. Nevertheless the girls love each other deeply and end up helping each other in getting out of difficult situations.


José Luis and his best friends Héctor, Marcelo, Gerardo and Atilio, form “La Banda Cross”, a group of crossdressers who meet in secrecy to explore their feminine side. When Héctor collapses and accidentally dies during the group's tenth anniversary celebrations, José Luis' A and B sides collide. Faced with the possibility of being exposed, he must decide whether to tell his family the truth about himself or leave his life as a cross-dresser behind forever.
Minimally Invasive Procedure

Minimally Invasive Procedure

When Robert Craig, a college professor, undergoes a transaortic valve repair procedure, twenty-one messages from friends, family, and students are left on his voicemail. Each message reveals a flawed man on the verge of a major life event that he may not live to experience.


The series presents the conversations of seven grandmother-granddaughter duos grouped into eight thematic episodes. The discussions of each of the duos intertwine to paint a diverse portrait of women's experiences in Quebec. Between the anecdotal and the historical, between the personal and the social experiences, struggles and choices of each generation, these encounters will allow us to take a tender and original look at the delicate issue of feminism.
Cafe Midnight Season3: The Curious Stalker

Cafe Midnight: The Curious Stalker (Season 3)

Cafe Midnight Season3: The Curious Stalker

Ein Highschool-Schüler nimmt spät abends den Bus, um seiner Mutter zu folgen, die dabei ist, ihr Gedächtnis zu verlieren. Mitten in all dem will seine Freundin die Stadt verlassen. „Ich habe mir meine Gefühle immer noch nicht eingestanden... Was ist nur mit den Frauen in meinem Leben los?“, denkt er. Schließlich besucht er das Café in der Sanbok Road in Busan, das nur von Mitternacht bis zum Morgengrauen geöffnet hat. Die Gäste kommen aus verschiedenen Zeiten hierher und bringen ihre eigenen unerzählten Geschichten mit. Dies ist eine Geschichte jenseits von Zeit und Raum.
Pille Palle

Pille Palle

Although 6 to 7 million women in Germany take the pill, knowledge about its effects beyond contraception is limited. In "Pille Palle", different people who have or have had to do with the pill in their private or professional
lives report on this. The focus is on the positive and negative effects of the pill. At the same time, the project provides an insight into the German healthcare system and shows which interests clash.

The Geese Palace


An eccentric young bipolar woman who lives in the “Palacio de los Gansos” hires a fake therapy companion to help her overcome her instability by seeking creative and crazy solutions. When the truth finally comes out, the bond between the two is stronger than the deception and they decide to join forces to create their own method that helps others feel better.
Under one Roof

Under one Roof

"Anything but Germany” – to 16-year-old Muslim Maryam, her family's move seems like one big horror trip. Only her relationship with the neighbor's son Samuel allows her to discover her possibilities in the other culture. While the teenagers fall in love with each other after some turbulence, the contrasting world views of the two families create a lot of trouble in the duplex house in Cologne.
Arthur - second season

Arthur (Season 2)

Arthur - second season

Zwei Serienmörder auf der Flucht. Eine verschmähte Frau, die sich rächen will. Ein FBI-Agent, der sein Leben der Jagd verschrieben hat. Ein Kleinwüchsiger, der zu viel weiß. Inmitten von Verfolgungsjagden, Liebe und Folter, Geheimnissen und lebensverändernden Enthüllungen, geht Arthurs Geschichte weiter: Wird er Zeds Beispiel folgen und sein Leben als liebenswürdiger Killer von nebenan fortsetzen? Oder wird er sich endlich von seinem „unschönen Hobby“ trennen?
Fox in the Woods

Fox in the Woods

Sylvie runs away from home and gets lost in a forest. Just when all hope is lost, she meets a special fox. Sylvie hears a voice calling her. She wants to run away, but the forest has other intentions. Sylvie finds an abandoned hut in the woods. Warm and inviting, she lies down to rest. But the fox senses danger. Something mysterious lurks in the woods. With danger approaching, Sylvie doesn't know which way to turn. Sylvie must confront the person she's running away from.
Discontent Season 1

Discontent Season 1

Fünf miteinander verbundene Millennials tasten sich durch das moderne Labyrinth aus Liebe, Sex und Beziehungen, während ihre Online-Süchte außer Kontrolle geraten und sie in die Fänge eines als menschliche Frau verkleideten Aliens treiben. „Discontent“ ist eine Anthologie-Serie, die das Technologie-Paradoxon hinterfragt: auf der einen Seite empfinden wir Angst vor der Technologie und auf der anderen Seite werden wir von ihr angezogen und durch sie verbunden.
Sheker Season 2

Sheker (Season 2)

Sheker Season 2

Aldik returns to the city one year after the intense ending of the first season. This time he intends to take everything seriously and build his own drug business. Thus, he partners up with some powerful people. Will he be able to get out of the synthetic swamp or will the sins of the past completely drown him?
Holy Wine

Holy Wine

His daughter is afraid of everything that has the color of wine and does not know the truth. It is the story of a painter who loves wine. It inspires him to dream, but behind his dreams hides a sad secret: he does not want his son to become a dancer... Full of flashbacks among the vineyards of Apulia, the series tells of the youth of the protagonist between wine and harvest, as if to signify the Passion of Christ.
The Red Thread

The Red Thread

When Matt is sent back in time to reconnect with the love of his life, Sarah, he must do everything he can to make up for lost time while finding the courage to be honest about their relationship. “The Red Thread” takes a
short film viewing event and combines it with social media to create a unique and innovative platform where anyone anywhere can experience it from the comfort and safety of their own room.
We are free

We are free

Lea and Flo are on their way to a dinner at their best friend Hannes' house. After a cozy meal together, they want to end the evening with music and drinking games. However, the plan is disrupted by Flo having a phone call. Afterwards he becomes increasingly gruff and abruptly leaves the apartment. Astonished, Lea runs after him and searches for him in the night. When she finds him and confronts him about his behavior, she receives a disturbing piece of information.
Eat. Drink. Dish.

Eat. Drink. Dish.

A female Instagram influencer created this series of her award-winning restaurant discovery and recommendation page. The focus is on the people and culture that create the Instagram pictures we love.
Hudson Falls

Hudson Falls

The secrets of a small upstate town that revolve around an eccentric scientist (William Sadler) begin to unravel when a private eye from the city (Richard Kind) takes on a seemingly mundane job in an effort to rekindle a relationship with his ex wife (Jessica Hecht).
Recife is an egg

Recife is an egg

In “Recife is an egg”, Alice is dating João Victor, still loving Helena, who is just back to town to be João Victor’s boss. The series name is a very popular saying in Recife city, Brazil. In spite of being a state capital, we feel that the city is so small that everyone knows each other, and maybe dated the same people.



Dopamine is a comic-style documentary web series that decrypts the techniques used by major apps to make their users completely addicts.
The Hacking Universe

The Hacking Universe

Comodian dictator and descendant of the dinosaurs Rey tries to take over the Earth to bring historical justice and gain ratings for the next Comodo elections. He's up against three hackers — ideologue mastermind Fedor, stylish coder Boris and introverted techie Ignat.

A Little While


Franco und Rodri sind seit dreißig Jahren befreundet. Aber... sie haben sich seit zwanzig Jahren nicht gesehen. Franco ist jetzt Musiker. Rodrigo ist Schauspieler. Franco ist in Mendoza geblieben, Rodri ist nach Buenos Aires gezogen. Franco lebt in dem Haus seiner Großmutter und ist besessen von einem Lied, das er nicht zu Ende komponieren kann. Rodri ist mit seiner Show in Mendoza auf Tournee, aber es wird ein Lockdown verhängt und er ist gestrandet. Er bittet Franco, ihn bei sich aufzunehmen... für „eine kurze Zeit“.
YouTube Policeman

YouTube Policeman

A famous YouTube star arrives at the police station where he meets police officer Malyuga. While trying to clarify the details of the incident, Malyuga comes face-to-face with the new reality of Internet stars. The next day, the video of the interrogation with the YouTube star is published on YouTube. To help his father, Malyuga’s son Stas creates an Instagram account for him, which quickly becomes popular. At the same time, Malyuga reveals that his own son is a popular blogger making videos on behalf of a girl.


2020: The theaters have closed and the three sisters Olga, Masha and Irina from the Chekhov play of the same name are sitting at home unplayed and drinking vodka. But you can rely on the entertainment industry: In each episode, a different, lost theater character comes to visit and entangles the three sisters in their own story. From Medea to Ulrike Maria Stuart – They all try to escape their written fate and experience something new.

This is not a hotel


When Julia flees her house after leaving her partner, she seeks asylum for a month at Juana’s. A mother and a daughter in her twenties will share a roof again in a 55 square meters apartment, this time, swapping roles and learning from one another about love, loneliness, relationships and the passing of time.
Wild Wild Talk (english version)

Wild Wild Talk (english version)

“WWT” is THE must-see street interview show in the animal kingdom. The “WWT” creators are animals themselves and therefore know the hot topics of their target group best. In each episode, a wide variety of animals around the world is interviewed on specific topics. Hamsters become preppers, parrots become proponents of cosmetic surgery, male rabbits become sex addicts, and the multiple lion mother becomes a fighter for equal rights for women in professional life.
Ana Beirut (I Am Beirut) the series

Ana Beirut

Ana Beirut (I Am Beirut) the series

„Ana Beirut“ ist eine Reihe experimenteller poetischer Porträts, die von 9 libanesischen audiovisuellen Künstler*innen geschaffen wurden, die sich selbst und die Stadt, in der sie leben, erforschen: Beirut. Die Serie wurde von „Home of Cine-Jam“ im Rahmen des von Muriel Aboulrouss entwickelten und geleiteten intuitiven Filmlabors konzipiert und produziert. Die Künstler waren eingeladen, je eine Episode der Serie zu gestalten.
Complete Time Travel Guide

Denboran Bidaiatzeko Gida Osoa

Complete Time Travel Guide

Als die Regierung wegen einer tödlichen Pandemie einen Lockdown ausruft, sind drei nerdige Freunde gezwungen, in ihrer örtlichen Bar zu bleiben, zu trinken und ihre Erfahrungen und Gefühle über Filme und Arbeit auszutauschen. Doch plötzlich beginnen sie, durch Zeit und Raum zu reisen, und alles, was sie tun wollen, ist, in ihre Zeit zurückzukehren und dabei nicht die gesamte Menschheit auszulöschen.
Poutiner, English series


Poutiner, English series

Poutiner is a borderless homage to poutines created in less than favorable conditions. Go beyond the fact that most of these poutines are blasphemous to the original Quebec recipe, travel around the world and discover instead new, cross-cultured versions of the dish. “Poutiner”, it's 21 poutines clumsily assembled with local ingredients in 14 different countries by a guy who simply got lost on the way to the restaurant.

Hacker Zarb0x is confused when he opens the leak folder "". Who is the young woman whose photos, files and vlogs were collected here? And if she was a YouTuber, why can't he find anything about her online? With these questions, he turns directly to the online community. Jessy's YouTube career took a dark turn and the friendly dialogue with her viewers turned into a game of hate, fear and destruction. It doesn't take long for Zarb0x himself to be caught in the crosshairs....


With a life-swapping app, the confused entrepreneur's son Nico, the naive bon vivant Mali and the thin-skinned composer Arthur want to win the rent for their Berlin apartment in a start-up competition. Together with the strong-willed programmer Nina, they test their app and each come up against their own limits in the other's everyday life.
Fishing Avocados

Fishing Avocados

19-year-old Olivia is suddenly overcome with dizzying doubts when she learns that her ex-boyfriend Lukas – whom she broke up with – has gone to the US to study. She decides to win him back with a letter, but her best friend Toni swears to help her to get over him. But what if Olivia didn't send the letter? What if she booked herself a flight to Los Angeles? What if we get the exclusive advantage of having it both ways, but learning that whichever path you take: what's meant to be will be.
The Little Broomstick Rider

The Little Broomstick Rider

When a nine-year-old boy in 1620s Bavaria goes on trial for witchcraft, a flabbergasted court must decide the child’s fate. Being aware he could not rely on casts and crews as he was used to and being confined to his own house, director Matteo Bernardini decided to let his illustrations do all the acting and his hands do the rest of the work: the final result is more of an “illustrations-coming-to-life experience” than a traditional animated work.
The Youth (serise)

The Youth

The Youth (serise)

Min-jun, who likes dance and music rather than history, is suddenly followed by a girl who keeps calling him Young-soo. The girl looks like she comes from a bygone era 60 years ago. Min-jun begins to believe that she is an actress that his friend has set upon him to make a funny "hidden camera" video for YouTube.
Casa de Ma,  first season

Casa de Ma

Casa de Ma, first season

Ma ist verschwunden und die acht jungen Frauen, „die sie adoptiert hat / die bei ihr leben“, beginnen, einen Rettungsplan auszuarbeiten. Sie wissen, dass Ma niemals gehen würde, ohne es ihnen zu sagen. Der erste Verdächtige, von dem sie glauben, dass er etwas damit zu tun haben könnte, ist Marco Aguirre, ein Millionär, der in dunkle Geschäfte verwickelt ist. Die Mädchen müssen sich ihrer Vergangenheit stellen und den größten aller Schurken entlarven.


Maria and Luke had to cancel their wedding due to the pandemic and then go into lockdown with his mum, Karen. That was a year ago. That was season one. That was “CANCELLED”. Now, Karen has returned to Australia allowing the couple to reconnect and to reorganize their wedding. But with travel restrictions and curfews in place all around the world, Maria and Luke decide to cancel their wedding. Again. At least this time around they are together. Just the two of them. Or are they?
Death on Arrival

Death on Arrival

A creepy but lovable Grim Reaper makes ends meet by riding a bike, receiving deadly requests through an app, and executing his victims without putting much thought into it. But after centuries of dealing with humans he
has developed a soft spot for their lives. One day he decides to follow his instinct and change the outcome of things only to find out terrible consequences appear right away. Changing your destiny is never easy.

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